Eating Habits Meeting Kit

It is a little dramatic but “you are what you eat”. We only have one body. We must treat it with respect. Without good health, life becomes more problematical and less enjoyable.

Food is Fuel

Our bodies work like machines and are only able to withstand so much abuse. Food is the equivalent of fuel to our bodies. If you are consistently putting bad fuel in a machine it will breakdown, the same goes for our bodies. Diet has been directly linked to many different aspects of our health.

Fatigue and Diet

There are smaller issues that a poor diet causes that can affect you on a daily basis. Fatigue and lack of focus can sometimes be attributed to eating poorly. Being fatigued can have major effects on performing your job safely. When you are not feeling 100% you are putting yourself and others around you at risk. Eat healthy to benefit yourself and family first, but also think of the positive effects it can have on your work.


  1. Banish the candy bowl; bring on the fruit bowl
  2. Beware of the vending machine
  3. Plan ahead; bring healthy snacks from home
  4. Stop eating alone at your desk
  5. Don’t forget to hydrate


The workplace is often full of hyperpalatable foods: donuts, cookies, chips, candy, chocolate, cakes, cupcakes, etc. These are foods that are high in fat, sugar, salt, and more often than not, they are highly irresistible.

Food brings people together, so it’s natural that companies use food as a way to drive engagement and to foster company culture. It’s a great initiative, not only because it brings people together but because it also forces people to get up and take a break during the day (short breaks are necessary to prevent burnout and reduce stress and anxiety).

However, the constant temptation of hyperpalatable foods in the workplace makes it harder for people to make a healthy choice, especially for people that are making an effort to take care of their dietary choices and be mindful of their eating habits.

Stress complicates our relationship with food at work, known as stress eating. Research has shown that stress makes us crave tastier foods (fatty, fried, sugary) and that most people eat more when they are feeling stressed.

Psychologists argue that we stress eat in order to take control of a situation, redirecting the source of stress and achieving a feeling of comfort.


  1. Choose better snacks

Try not to be tempted by the vending machine full of chips and chocolate bars! Keep a few healthy snacks near your work station so you’ll have more options when you get the munchies.

  1. Stop drinking your calories

Do you enjoy sipping something while you work? It’s important to stay hydrated, but you shouldn’t be reaching for high-calorie, sugary drinks like pop, fruit-flavoured beverages and sports drinks. Fruit juice may sound healthy, but it’s missing many of the nutrients and all of the fibre in actual fruit.

  1. Take breaks to move your body

Many kinds of jobs involve sitting for long periods of time – and most of us know that isn’t healthy. But there’s good news. Research shows that if you get up and move around at least once every half an hour, you can reduce the health risks of a sedentary job.

  1. Take the stairs

Get in the habit of taking the stairs to get to your office, instead of waiting for the elevator. Not only will you be in better shape, you may be more productive.


  • Consult a doctor or nutritionist before any major diet changes.
  • Drink more water. Water serves many important purposes for our bodies.
  • Limit food with processed sugar. Sodas, candy, sweets, and other junk food are filled with processed sugar.
  • Eat more fiber. Fiber has proven to help fight off some cancers. It also limits the amount of calories your body will absorb.
  • Choose whole grain foods. Whole grain foods contain many nutrients and like fiber, it can help you maintain regular bowel movements.
  • Take a multivitamin. Multivitamins can help you get essential vitamins and nutrients you may not be getting in your diet.


  • Plan your weekly lunches ahead of time and bring in food from home.
  • Bring healthy snacks with you to the workplace.
  • Drink lots of water and avoid sugary beverages. Pro tip: if you feel hungry or feel like snacking, drink some water first; more often than not our body is thirsty and not necessarily hungry.
  • Don’t eat and work. Not only will your desk become full of bacteria but you’ll engage in mindless eating.
  • Eat breakfast. It can keep you fueled through the morning and make you less likely to snack during the day.


The way to keep your energy up at work is to make sure you eat breakfast. Even if you are not someone who is generally hungry in the morning, eating breakfast ensures your body moves out of its sleep-friendly energy-conserving state and into its wakeful daytime state. Even a glass of juice, protein shake, or piece of fruit in the morning is better for your productivity than nothing.